Boysenberrys are named after Rudolph Boysen who had experimented in the late 1920s America crossing Raspberry with Blackberry and Loganberry the result was a delicious new red black juicy fruit. Boysen abandoned his experiments but fortunately a berry fruit enthusiast a Mr Walter Knott found the few remaining plants and successfully propagated new plants from which the current Boysenberrys originate. Produces good heavy crops of red purple large raspberry fruits that have a sweet blackberry flavour. Succeeds well even in dry conditions
Available in economy and premium selection
Economy - rooted into its pot but a further season before moving up a pot size.
Premium - more growth in its pot. More mature than Economy
We also stock and supply planting sundries to aid establishment and promote growth. If you do not see what you are looking for please enquire as we still may be able to help.